About the comic

Ever wondered what ants are up to in their nicely organized Hierarchy? What are they doing with all those little twigs and stones in their ant hills, and what goes on down there?

They're biding their time is what. They have nuclear warheads down there and are waiting to establish the propulsion technology to launch their devastating attack against us.

...and other such atrocities.

Wednesday, 30 September 2009


Sorry I've been a complete useless fucking waster about posting. I've not done any work in a while on these. Sorry. I hope you enjoy this new batch though!

H and S flies

Angry Rat

Nuke fat chick

Indecent Proposition

Thursday, 25 June 2009

My apologies and new horizons

Firstly I'm so sorry I haven't posted in what must be weeks. I've been ridiculously busy of late. Something I had been working on and now completed was this: A spin-off series...

This is the Telekinetic child from a month or so back. I was slipping into a dreamworld thinking about what other adventures my scribbled lunacy could have. I thought about expanding the adventures of Mr. Man & Son (who is telekinetic). Here is the result.

It'll have it's own page soon and hopefully I'll post on it everynow and then.

Sunday, 31 May 2009

Ants now on Facebook!

Never in a million years did you think this day would come but now my scribbled lunacy is on Facebook too. You can become a fan of the comic on it's fan page. Go to here to join up.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

The rest...

The rest of the sketches I promised will be up soon. I promise. For the moment this is one weeks alotment. This weeks alotment.


Woman Football

Superman X-ray

Child Birth

Thursday, 16 April 2009

My sincere apologies

I humbly apologise for not posting this week. I'm not going to go on about me being busy but rather beg your forgiveness. As an apology I promise that this wednesday there will be 3 weeks worth of sketches and a video of me doing something stupid (as punishment). Thank you for bearing with me!

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Top up Day

From this day forth (co-incidentally and on the 4th) I shall be adding new sketches to the website on a weekly basis. Hopefully 3 or 4 a week.

Wednesday is 'Top up day!'

Pest Control

Marketing Interview

Kraken Relationship

Time Travel

Wednesday, 25 February 2009


Today the site's being launched and I'm hoping you enjoy these first dozen sketches. As I've said, a couple more will be uploaded everyweek. If you like what you see leave me a message or, better still, tell a friend!

Molotov Idiot

Old People

Devil 999

Spiders Web

...like rabbits

Support group


Boring Heaven